Our Mission

The SDML Workers’ Compensation Fund is a self-funded mechanism created for its members and is overseen by its members to provide statutory workers’ compensation coverage for public entities.

The SDML Workers’ Compensation Fund has a strong commitment to providing a competitive workers’ compensation program for the public entities in South Dakota through administrative, loss control, and technical services.

SDML workers compensation fund logo and tagline of 'established 1987 "Our Service Sets Us Apart"

First Responder EAP

Reach Out For Support

We understand the challenges and stress that can be placed on employees/volunteers and the families of first responders. The First Responder Assistance Program provided by Connections EAP, Inc. is an important benefit available to first responders and their families.

This program was created in response to the growing recognition that stress and trauma experienced by first responders places an emotional and mental health cost on them and at times, family members. 
